View this file with 'Word Wrap' on in a 800X600 display ====================================================================== Title : "Indiana-Duke" v1.0 Filename : Author : Gareth Brandwood E-mail : (Checked daily) Web Page : Misc. Author Info : BA Business Student - "This one is definitely my best and last...." Other Levels : R.I.P., STONED, THE CITY, RE-SIZER (Visit my site for them) Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ A single player Duke Level which sees him battling aliens whilst trying to navigate an Indiana Jones type map. All your favourite Indy moments are in there - including a decent rendition of the Indy theme music. No big weapons (unless you cheat!) just Duke (a.k.a. Dr Indiana Jones), his pistol and a bit of skill and brains! Additional Credits To ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Er.. the computer bloke who sold me my new PC? Serously - the person who created the music is uncredited because I don't know who they are! Damn good rendition if you ask me (DON'T email and ask me!). ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : ? Single Player : Yes DukeMatch 2-8 Player : No way man Co-operative 2-8 Player: No way man Difficulty Settings : None implemented Plutonium Pak Required : Yes (sorry!) New Art : No New Music : Yes (Indiana Jones Theme) New Sound Effects : Nope New .CON Files : Nope Demos Replaced : Nope ===================================================================== * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Level Editor(s) Used : BUILD Art Editor(s) Used : Non Construction Time : 1 Weekish Known Bugs ~~~~~~~~~~ I don't know why but sometimes running over the chair tops in the plane kills poor old Duke - not so tough after all eh? Sometimes the music doesn't work - This really bugs me 'cos I don't know why. If you do - be a pal and let me know. Re-installing the midi file seems to work (sometimes) although I guess it could just be a coincidence. Email me if you find any more. * Where to get this MAP file * File location : ===================================================================== *Important Information* Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The zip file you receive should contain all the following files: Readme.txt (this file), (the level), INDY.bat (batch file to launch the level (type 'INDY')), and DETHTOLL.MID (the Indiana Jones midi file). These files must be in your Duke Nukem 3D directory in order for the level to work correctly. Important Notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please pass this level around to everyone - *ONLY* if all the above files are included. If you edit the level - send me the new edited version with your e-mail address and details of your changes. If this is included in a compilation then I must receice a copy. As it is, if you have received an original version, it has been thoroughly virus checked. ======================================================================